Friday, April 14, 2006

What Makes Good Art?

What Makes Good Art??
A couple of days ago I went to the Dogwood Festival and Art Show in Atlanta. We passed by an artist whose art was what I would describe as industrial extreme and I heard someone say "no wonder there is no one here". Well what would you know and a few minutes later the booth was full of people observing this art. That my dear friends is what I love about ART. There is art out there for every life and every taste. No matter how we try to define and segregate artistic endeavors-We never achieve that goal and for that I am grateful. I was just telling my sister how only in the arts do you see this kind of emotional response. Anyways, as to what makes good art....... I know that there is one component that separates good art from everything else..... that is art that evokes a strong emotional response to its viewer. I'll be glad to hear what you have to say.